PSYC 454

Hormones and Behaviour (3 credits)

Get ready to finally understand why we behave the way we do!

(This course can also be called “Behavioral Endocrinology”)

If you’re taking the course with Prof. Jim Pfaus, you’re in for a fun ride. He is world renowned in his field and has really put Concordia on the map with respect to its Behavioral Neuroscience research department. Cherish every word that he says.


Exams & Grading:

  • If you’re with Dr. Pfaus, his grading scheme is the most fair of any professor at the university. There is no such thing as missing a certain letter grade by 0.6%. All grades are rounded up to the next highest grade.
  • Exams are fair and straight forward; usually comprised of multiple choice questions, true-or-false, and short answers
    • Multiple choice questions usually contain only three, sometimes 4, choices.
    • Short answer questions: you’ll be given a very large selection to choose from.
  • There is also usually a bonus question which you are informed of in the lecture before the exam. There is no reason not to go for these extra points.

Additional Resources: