Volunteer Note-taking

Firstly, welcome back to another semester! Hope y’all had a nice and rejuvenating vacation.

Image result for back from vacation meme

As we all get settled into our new courses, many of us may receive an email in the coming weeks with the subject “Access Centre is seeking note-taker”

Last semester, I made the decision to apply to become a note-taker. I was chosen for two of my courses. I can tell you, it was one of the wisest academic decisions I have made here at Concordia.

Besides the opportunity you have to help another student in the class, you are also greatly benefit through this undertaking.

For those two courses, I made sure I was transcribing all the necessary material during lectures, making it easy and simple to understand. I would edit the notes within the next day or two and upload them to the portal. This kept me up to date with all the material in those courses, which had a tremendous impact on my grades.

I highly recommend all of you to apply to be a volunteer note-taker. You will surely become a better student and even perform better on the exams.

Though I am not supposed to tell you: if you do get chosen as a volunteer-note-taker, there is a special surprise for you at the end of the semester. 🙂 

For more information on the ACSD Note-taking services, see this link

One more point: if you are one the last remaining survivors of hand-written-note-takers like myself, you should become familiar with this application called CamScanner.

  • No more excuses for obscure photos of your notes. This app allows you to scan documents, looking as if you’ve scanned it on an actual scanning machine.

Have a great semester, everyone!

Image result for have a great semester

One thought on “Volunteer Note-taking

  1. Hi! Great post! I have accepted taking notes and I was so worried that I won’t have time, but like you said, it gives me better grades because I am learning while re-writing clean full notes.

    I can’t believe I found about this blog just recently! It’s a perfect guide for many courses that I plan on taking.

    I wanted to ask you: I was looking at your sections on BIOL 266, and you provided 4 lectures for the course you took. Do you have more of them please? I have learnt from these slides more than anything else, they are so neat and precise, direct and to the point. If you have all the other lectures and can provide them, I would sincerely appreciate it.

    Thanks again!


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